Araka: Synthesis, Recognition and Translation

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Introducing a versatile web extension for speech synthesis, voice recognition, and real-time translation, designed to streamline your daily tasks and enhance communication.

Web extension for speech synthesis, voice recognition, and real-time translation

Are you looking to save time in your daily tasks? Our voice synthesis software is here for you! It allows you to easily convert text into speech in record time. No more wasting time reading documents or typing content. Our software takes care of everything for you, using a natural and high-quality voice.

Do you need to communicate with people who speak a different language than yours? Our automatic translation software is here to help! It allows you to easily convert text in a foreign language into speech in your language and vice versa, in real time. No need to spend time learning a new language or looking for a human translator.

Are you looking to increase your productivity by saving time in text entry? Our voice recognition software is here for you! It allows you to easily convert speech into text in record time. No more wasting time typing content or manually transcribing recordings. Our software takes care of everything for you, using cutting-edge voice recognition technology.

It helps you increase your productivity by eliminating time-consuming tasks thanks to the latest artificial intelligence technologies.

Use Cases:

  • Quickly transcribe audio content during job interviews or work meetings to save time and improve note-taking.
  • Use voice recognition to write job offers or recruitment ads faster and more efficiently.
  • Improve the speed of writing SEO content using voice recognition to write articles or web pages.
  • Facilitate content creation for people with typing or reading difficulties by using voice recognition to write texts.
  • Save time in performing tedious tasks by using voice recognition to enter text in web marketing tools, data tracking, or project management.
  • Improve online content accessibility by offering a voice entry option for forms or text input fields.
  • Use voice recognition to quickly transcribe audio content during studies or research, to save time and facilitate note-taking.
  • Optimize the writing of documents or professional correspondence using voice recognition to enter text in word processing or project management tools.
  • Improve internal communication efficiency in SMEs/SMIs by using voice recognition to quickly transcribe audio content during meetings or conference calls.
  • Save time in performing tedious tasks by using speech synthesis to quickly generate audio content from text.
  • Improve online content accessibility by offering a voice reading option for articles or web pages.
  • Facilitate understanding of content for people with reading difficulties by using speech synthesis to read text aloud.
  • Transform written content in several languages using automatic translation and speech synthesis to generate audio content in different languages.
  • Improve content production speed by using speech synthesis to read text aloud while you write or create content.
  • Use speech synthesis to generate audio content for ads or online announcements.


  • Speech synthesis (text-to-speech): Allows you to read any text element on the current page. Just select the element and press the play button.
  • Voice recognition: Allows you to transcribe any audio source (your voice or others) as long as it is in one of the available languages. Just start the audio source or your dictation, press the play button. At the end of your dictation, you can edit the generated text, and copy it to be directly available for publication.
  • Language change: You can now use English in addition to French for the entire tool, whether in speech synthesis or voice recognition. All this by clicking on the main bar of the tool.
  • Real-time translation: You can translate any text of your choice into the audio language of your choice without using external software or other manipulation, with a high level of correspondence.

And many more features to come in the next updates…

Try Araka Text to Speech

Web extension for synthesis, voice recognition, and real-time translation.